From BAE Audio, the UK Sound 176 mono compressor is ready to deliver classic, 1176 style control at a great price!
A simple take on an old classic, this FET style compressor limiter brings all of the controls you are used to, in a single rack space unit. All of the original ratios are there, plus the "!" circuit brings the all buttons in insanity we've all come to know and love when pounding room mics and other sources that could benefit from the madness.
A built in sidechain filter also prevents low frequency from dominating your dynamics control.
A simple VU meter reports gain control in an old school way.
The 176 also has a bypass.
Hand made in California, USA!
- All-discrete and Class A signal path
- Tansformer balanced input and output
- Fixed threshold
- Selectable ratio (4:1, 8:1, 12:1, 20:1)
- Adjustable attack and release controls
- S.C. Filter, 100Hz high pass filter on the sidechain signal
- ! = “all buttons in” mode
- VU Metering
- 1 rack space