Priced by the foot, choose the style / quantity of raw cable you need for your own do it yourself project.
Mogami Cable Styles:
- W2552 - 2 conductor balanced, standard
- W2549 - 2 conductor balanced, premium
- W2534 - quad style balanced, premium
- W2524 - unbalanced instrument / line, premium
- W3080 - 2 conductor balanced, standard AES digital
- W2964 - 75 ohm coaxial, SPDIF / Wordclock
- W2948 - MIDI, syncro cable
- W2932 - 8 channel snake cable, premium analog
- W3162 - 8 channel snake cable, premium digital
- W3103 - 2 conductor speaker cable, premium
*Spool length = 656 feet
*Cut to length cable is non-returnable, all sales final